Caliber Paintballs .68 vs .50 - Which Size is Best

Posted on June 27, 2024.

Choosing the right paintball caliber can significantly impact your game. The debate between .68 and .50 caliber paintballs is important for every paintball enthusiast to consider.

This article will help you understand the differences between these two sizes, aiding you in finding your perfect paintball size.

Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned player, knowing the nuances of each caliber will help you make an informed decision. Let’s jump into the great paintball caliber debate and explore which size is right for you.

Understanding Paintball Calibers

Before diving into the differences between .68 and .50 caliber paintballs, it's essential to understand what paintball calibers mean. The caliber of a paintball refers to its diameter, which impacts the gameplay experience significantly. The two most common sizes are .68 caliber and .50 caliber.

.68 Caliber

The .68 caliber paintball is the standard size used in most paintball games and equipment. Here’s why:

  • Diameter: Measures approximately 0.68 inches in diameter.
  • Usage: Commonly used in competitive paintball and scenario games.
  • Impact: Known for higher impact and greater visibility upon hitting the target.

.50 Caliber

The .50 caliber paintball is smaller and often used in low-impact games. Key characteristics include:

  • Diameter: Measures approximately 0.50 inches in diameter.
  • Usage: Popular in recreational and beginner-friendly games, as well as for younger players.
  • Impact: Provides a lower impact, making it suitable for family-friendly games and those who prefer less intensity.

.68 vs .50 Paintball: Choose Wisely

Choosing between .68 and .50 caliber paintballs can depend on several factors, including the type of game, player experience, and personal preference. Here are some key differences to help you decide.

Impact and Pain

  • .68 Caliber: Known for its higher impact, the .68 caliber paintball can deliver a stronger hit. This can be more exciting for some players but may also cause more pain and bruising.
  • .50 Caliber: Offering a lower impact, the .50 caliber paintball is ideal for beginners or those who prefer a less painful experience. It’s also great for younger players or family-friendly games.

Accuracy and Range

  • .68 Caliber: With a larger size and weight, .68 caliber paintballs tend to have better accuracy and longer range. This makes them a popular choice for competitive games.
  • .50 Caliber: While not as accurate or far-reaching as the .68 caliber, .50 caliber paintballs are suitable for close-range combat and fast-paced games.

Ammunition Capacity

  • .68 Caliber: Due to their larger size, .68 caliber paintball markers typically hold fewer paintballs in their hopper.
  • .50 Caliber: These smaller paintballs allow for a higher ammunition capacity, meaning you can carry more paintballs and potentially shoot for longer without reloading.

Finding Your Perfect Paintball Size

Deciding on the perfect paintball size depends on your playing style and the type of game you prefer. Here are some considerations to help you make the right choice:

Game Type

  • Scenario and Woodsball: For these games, where range and accuracy are crucial, .68 caliber paintballs are often the better choice.
  • Speedball and Close-Range Games: In fast-paced environments, the .50 caliber paintballs can provide a lighter, less painful experience with the advantage of higher ammunition capacity.

Player Experience

  • Beginners: New players may prefer the .50 caliber for its lower impact and higher capacity, making it easier to learn and enjoy the game.
  • Experienced Players: Veterans of the sport might lean towards the .68 caliber for its improved accuracy and range, adding to the challenge and excitement of the game.

The Great Paintball Caliber Debate: Pros and Cons

Deciding between .68 and .50 caliber paintballs involves weighing the pros and cons of each size. Both calibers offer unique advantages and disadvantages that can influence your game experience. Let’s explore the benefits and drawbacks of each to help you make an informed choice.

.68 Caliber


  • Better Accuracy and Longer Range: The larger size and weight of .68 caliber paintballs contribute to improved accuracy and a longer shooting range.
  • Standard Size for Most Equipment and Games: As the most commonly used size, .68 caliber paintballs are compatible with a wide range of markers and accessories.
  • More Impactful: The higher impact can add excitement and realism to the game, making it more thrilling for players who enjoy a bit of intensity.


  • More Painful and Can Cause Bruising: The increased impact can result in more pain and bruising, which may be a deterrent for some players, especially beginners.
  • Lower Ammunition Capacity: Due to their larger size, markers can hold fewer .68 caliber paintballs, requiring more frequent reloading.

.50 Caliber


  • Lower Impact, Less Pain: The smaller size results in a softer hit, making it ideal for beginners, younger players, or those who prefer a less painful experience.
  • Higher Ammunition Capacity: The smaller paintballs allow markers to hold more ammunition, enabling longer play without needing to reload as often.
  • Suitable for Beginners and Younger Players: The reduced impact and higher capacity make .50 caliber paintballs perfect for new players and family-friendly games.


  • Less Accurate and Shorter Range: The lighter weight and smaller size can result in decreased accuracy and a shorter shooting range compared to .68 caliber paintballs.
  • Not as Widely Used in Competitive Games: .50 caliber paintballs are less common in competitive settings, which may limit their use in certain tournaments and events.

Choosing the Right Equipment

When deciding on a paintball caliber, it’s also important to consider the equipment. Most paintball markers are designed for a specific caliber, so ensure your marker matches your chosen paintball size.

.68 Caliber Markers

  • Variety: There is a wide range of .68 caliber markers available, from entry-level to professional-grade.
  • Compatibility: Most paintball fields and tournaments use .68 caliber, making it easier to find compatible equipment and games.

.50 Caliber Markers

  • Low-Impact: Designed for low-impact games, these markers are lighter and easier to handle.
  • Limited Options: There are fewer .50 caliber markers on the market, but they are growing in popularity for recreational and beginner-friendly games.

At TAG Adventure Park, we provide a range of paintball options, to cater to all players.Whether you opt for the accuracy and range of .68 caliber or the safety and higher capacity of .50 caliber.


Choosing between .68 and .50 caliber paintballs ultimately depends on your personal preference, playing style, and the type of game you enjoy. Both sizes offer unique benefits and can enhance your paintball experience in different ways. At TAG Adventure Park, we offer a variety of paintball options, including both .68 and .50 caliber games, to suit all players.

For more information or to book your next paintball adventure, contact us at 831 244 0950. Let us help you find your perfect paintball size and make your next game unforgettable!

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Ready to experience the thrill of paintball at TAG Adventure Park? Contact us today to learn more about our park, book your adventure, or get answers to any questions you may have. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff is here to help make your paintball experience unforgettable!